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Institute for Advanced Studies in Biology
28 Banks St. Cambridge MA 02138
(617) 497-0393 e-mail

1957 B.Sc., McGill University Biochemistry
1963 Ph.D., Columbia University Biochemistry

1964-1968 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Molecular Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1968-1974 Research Associate, Department of Molecular Biology
University of California at Berkeley.

1974-1976 Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics
Sackler Medical School ,University of Tel-Aviv.

1977-1980 Research Scientist, Children's Hospital
Harvard Medical School

1980-1987 Research Scientist, Department of Earth Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1988-1990 Research Associate, Department of Computer Science
University of California at Berkeley.

1991-1998 Research Associate, Department of Soil Sciences,
University of California at Berkeley.

1998-present Research Scientist, Department of Biology
MIT Cambridge MA.

1991-present Director, Institute for Advanced Studies in Biology
Berkeley, California.

1980-1985 NASA Exobiology Peer Review Panel
1984-1987 Committee on Planetary Biology and Chemical Evolution
Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences

Search for the Universal Ancestor, H. Hartman, J.G. Lawless and P.Morrison
(Des), Blackwell Scientific Publications. London. 1987.

Clay Minerals and the Origin of Life, A.G.Cairns-Smith and H. Hartman (eds),
Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 1986.

The Origin and Evolution of the Cell, H.Hartman and K.Matsuno (eds),World
Scientific Press. New Jersey. 1992.

Gordon Conference on The Origin of Life, 1982, Initiator and Co-Chairman
Workshop on Clays and the Origin of Life, Glasgow University, 1983, Co-Chairman

1. Hartman, H. and Krasna, A.I. "The Effect of Sodium Hydrosulfite on the
Hydrogenase of Scenedesmus" Fed. Proc. 20, 239 (1961).

2. Hartman, H. and Krasna, A.I. "The Inhibition of the Hydrogenase of
Scenedesmus" Fed. Proc. 21, 231 (1962).

3. Hartman, H. and Krasna, A.I "Studies on the 'Adaptation' of Hydrogenase in
Scenedesmus" J. Biol. Chem. 238 .749 (1963).

4. Hartman, H. and Krasna, A.I. "Properties of the Hydrogenase of Scenedesmus"
Biochimica. Biophys. Acta. 92, 52 (1964).

5. Hartman, H. and Dowben,R.M. "Polyribosomes in Tetrahymena" J. Cell. Biol. 44,
677 (1970).

6. Hartman, H. and Dowben,R.M. "Polyribosome Profiles from Heat Synchronized
Tetrahymena" B.B.R.C. 40 , 964 (1970)

7. Hartman, H.and Hayes, T.L. "Scanning Electron Microscopy of Drosophila" J.
Heredity 62 , 41 (1971)

8. Hartman, H., Puma, J.P. and Gurney, T. "Evidence for the Association of RNA
with the Ciliary Basal Bodies of Tetrahymena." J. Cell. Science. 16, 241 (1974).

9. Hartman, H. "Speculations on the Origin And Evolution of Metabolism" J.
Molecular.Evolution. 4, 359 (1975).

10. Hartman, H. "The Centriole and the Cell" J. Theor. Biol. 51,, 501 (1975).

11. Hartman, H."Speculations on the Evolution of the Genetic Code" Origins of
Life 6, 423 (1975).

12. Ashkenazi, I., Hartman, H., Strulovitz, B. and Dar, O. "Activity Rhythms of
Enzymes in Human Red Blood Cell Suspensions" J Interdisc. Cycle Res. 6, 291

13. Hartman, H., Epel, B. and Ashkenazi, I. "Circadian Changes in Membrane
Properties of Human Red Blood Cells in vitro as Measured by a Membrane Probe"
FEBS Letters 67 161 (1976).

14. Maller, J., Poccia, D., Nishioka, D., Kidd, P., Gerhart, J., and Hartman, H.
"Spindle Formation and Cleavage in Xenopus eggs injected with Centriole-
containing Fractions from Sperm" Exper.Cell. Res. 99, 285 (1976).

15. Hartman, H., and High, R. "Bioconvection and Morphogenesis" General Systems
Yearbook, Vol.21, 47 (1976).

16. Hartman, H. "Speculations on Viruses, Cells and Evolution" Evolutionary
Theory 3, 159 (1977).

17. Hartman, H. "Speculations on the Evolution of the Genetic Code II" Origins
of Life, 9, 133 (1978).

18. Bar-Nun, A. and Hartman, H. "Synthesis of Organic Compounds from Carbon
Monoxide and Water by U.V. Photolysis" Origins of Life 9, 93 (1978)

19. Hartman, H. "Reflections on Einstein's 100 th Birthday" The Bulletin of
Atomic Scientists, Dec. 9 (1979).

20. Hartman, H. Book Review of The Hypercycle by M. Eigen and P. Schuster. JACS.
Vol. 102,7165-7166. (1980).

21. Hartman, H. Book Review of Genesis on Planet Earth by W.Day.Precambrian
Research 15 183-184 (1981).

22. Hartman, H. "Biology, Language and Society" Semiotica, 42, 89 (1982)

23. Lewis, J.S., Watkins, G.H., Hartman, H., and Prinn, R.G. "Chemical
Consequences of Major Impact Events on Earth" Geological Society of America.
Special Paper 190 (1982).

24. Hartman, H. "Morphe" in : Physics as Natural Philosophy :Essays in Honour of
Laszlo Tisza. H.Feshbach and A.Shimony Eds. MIT press (1982).

25. Olson, G.B. and Hartman, H. "Martensite and Life: Displacive Transformations
as Biological Processes" Journal De Physique, Colloque C4. p.855 (1983).

26. Hartman, H., Fegley, B., Prinn, R.G., and Lewis,J. "Organic Molecules and
Carbonaceous Chondrites" Lunar and Planetary Institute Conf.(1983).

27. Fegley, B., Hartman, H., and Prinn, R.G. "Effects of Large Impacts on
Evolution of the Earth's Earliest Atmosphere" EOS, Vol. 63, 108 (1983).

28. Hartman, H. "Speculations on the Evolution of the Genetic Code III:The
Evolution of t-RNA" Origins of Life 14 , 643 (1984).

29. Hartman, H. "Philosophy of Science and the Origin of Life" in Methodology,
Metaphysics and the History of Science. R. Cohen and M.Wartofsky (eds) Reidel
Publishing Co. p 183-213 (1984).

30. Hartman, H. "The Evolution of Photosynthesis and Microbial Mats: A
Speculation on the Banded Iron Formations" in Microbial Mats; Stromatolites.
Ed.Halvorson. Alan Liss Inc., NY p449 (1984).

31. Hartman, H. "The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell" Speculations in Science and
Technology 7, 77 (1984).

32. Mortland, M.M., Lawless,J.G., Hartman,H. and Frankel,R. "Smectite
Interactions with Flavomononucleotide" Clays and Clay Minerals. 32 . 279 (1984)

33. Fegley, B., Prinn, R.G., Hartman, H., and Hampton, G.H. "Chemical effects of
large impacts on the Earth's primitive atmosphere" Nature. 319, 305 (1986).

34. Hartman, H., and Vichniac, G,Y. "Inhomogeneous Cellular Automata (INCA)" in
Disordered Systems and Biological Organization. I. Bienenstock, F.Fogelman and
G. Weisbuch. Eds. Springer Verlag (1986).

35. Vichniac, G.Y., Tamayo, P. and Hartman, H. "Annealed and Quenched
Inhomogeneous Cellular Automata (INCA)" Journal of Statistical Physics, 45 875

36. Hartman, H., Tamayo, P., and Klein, W. "Inhomogeneous Cellular Automata and
Statistical Mechanics" Complex Systems 1 245 (1987).

37. Simoneit, B.R.T., Grimalt, J.O., Hayes, J.M., and Hartman, H. "Low
temperature hydrothermal maturation of organic matter in sediments from the
Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 51, 879 (1987).

38. Tamayo, P. and Hartman, H. "Cellular Automata, Reaction- Diffusion Systems
and the Origin of Life" in Artificial Life Ed. C. Langton, Addison Wesley
Publishing Co. (1988)

39. Guell, D.C., Brenner, H., Frankel, R.B., and Hartman, H. "Hydrodynamic
Forces and Band Formation in Swimming Magnetotactic Bacteria" J. Theor. Biol.
135 525 (1988).

40. Syvanen, M., Hartman, H., and Stevens, P.F. "Classical Plant Ambiguities
Extend to the Molecular Level" J. Mol. Evol. 28 536 (1989)

41. Hartman, H. and Tamayo, P. "Reversible Cellular Automata and Chemical
Turbulence" Physica D. 45, 293 (1990).

42. Hartman,H. "The Evolution of Natural Selection: Darwin versus Wallace"
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 34, 78 (1990).

43. Hartman, H., Syvanen, M., and Buchanan, B.B. "Contrasting Evolutionary
Histories of Chloroplast Thioredoxins f and m." Mol. Biol. Evol. 7, 247 (1990).

44. Hartman,H., Sposito,G., Yang, A., Manne, S., Gould,S.A.C., and Hansma, P.K.
"Molecular-Scale Imaging of Clay Mineral Surfaces with the Atomic Force
Microscope" Clays and Clay Minerals. 38. 337. (1990)

45. McKay, C.P., and Hartman, H. "Hydrogen Peroxide and the Evolution of
Oxygenic Photosynthesis" Origins of Life. 21, 157 (1991).

46. Hartman, H. "Conjectures and Reveries" Photosynthesis Research 33, 171

47. Hartman, H. "Photosynthesis and the Origin of Life" Photosynthesis Research
33, 73 (1992).

48. Hartman, H. "The Eukaryotic Cell and the RNA-Protein World" in Frontiers of
Life Eds. J and K.Tran Thanh Van, J.C.Mounolou, J.Schneider, and C.Mckay,
Editions Frotieres.(1992).

49. Hartman, H. "The Eukaryotic Cell: Evolution and Development" in The Origin
and Evolution of the Cell . Eds. H.Hartman and K.Matsuno, World Scientific

50. Hartman, H., Sweeney,M.A., Kropp, M.A.,and Lewis, J.S. "Carbonaceous
Chondrites and the Origin of Life" Origins of Life. 23, 221 (1993).

51. Hartman, H., Wu,M., Buchanan, B.B., and Gerhart, J.C. "Spinach thioredoxin-m
inhibits DNA synthesis in fertilized Xenopus eggs" PNAS .90, 2271 (1993)

52. Hartman, H. "Evolution of the Eukaryotic Flagellum" Nanobiology. 3, 37

53. Hartman, H. "Speculations on the Evolution of the Genetic Code IV; The
Evolution of the Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases" Origins of Life. 25, 265 (1995)

54. Hartman, H. "Speculations on the Origin of the Genetic Code" J. Mol. Evol..
40, 541 (1995)

55. Hartman, H and McKay, C.P. "Oxygenic photosynthesis and the oxidation
state of Mars". Planet.Space Sci . 43, 123 (1995)

56. Hartman, H. "Evolutionary viruses and the origin of life" in Defining Life.
Ed M. Rizzotti, University of Padova Press, Padova, Italy (1996).

57. Meacham, C.A. and Hartman, H.,"Analysis of animal and plant cytochrome-c
sequences by probability of character compatability" in Horizontal Gene
Transfer Eds. M.Syvanen and C.I.Kado, Chapman&Hall.(1998)

58. Berry,W.B.N. and Hartman,H., "Graptolite parallel evolution and lateral gene
transfer" in Horizontal Gene Transfer Eds. M.Syvanen and C.I.Kado,

59. Blankenship, R.E. and Hartman,H., "The origin and evolution of oxygenic
photosynthesis". Trends Biochem. Sci . 23, 94 (1998)

60. Hartman, H., "Photosynthesis and the Origin of Life". Origins of Life.
28, 515 (1998)

61 Hartman,H., "Progenotes" in encyclopedia of Living Sciences-Nature (2001)

62 Hartman, H.," Macroevolution, Catastrophe and Horizontal Transfer"
in Horizontal Gene Transfer.2nd edition Eds. M.Syvanen and C.I.Kado,

63 Hartman,H and Fedorov, A, β€œThe origin of the eukaryotic cell: A genomic investigation.”. PNAS. 99, 1420 (2002).

64 Santoso S, Hwang W, Hartman H, Zhang SG, β€œ Self-assembly of surfactant-like peptides with variable glycine tails to form nanotubes and nanovesicles.” NANO LETTERS 2, 687 ( 2002)

65. Bienkowska JR, Hartman H, Smith TF. A search method for homologs of small proteins. Ubiquitin-like proteins in prokaryotic cells? Protein Eng. 16(12): 897-904. (2003)

66. Fedorov A, Hartman H. What does the microsporidian E. cuniculi tell us about the origin of the eukaryotic cell? J Mol Evol. 59(5):695-702. (2004)

67. Vishwanath P, Favaretto P, Hartman H, Mohr SC, Smith TF. Ribosomal protein-sequence block structure suggests complex prokaryotic evolution with implications for the origin of eukaryotes. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 33(3): 615-25. (2004)

68 Weitz JS, Hartman H, Levin SA Coevolutionary arms races between bacteria and bacteriophage. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(27): 9535-40. (2005)

69 Weitz JS, Hartman H. Phage in the time of cholera.
Lancet Infect Dis. 6(5):257-8. (2006)

70 Liang MC, Hartman H, Kopp RE, Kirschvink JL, Yung YL. Production of hydrogen peroxide in the atmosphere of a Snowball Earth and the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103 (50):18896-9. (2006)

71 Hartman.H, Favaretto, P, Smith, TF. The archaeal origins of the eukaryotic translational system. Archaea . 2(1): 1-9. (2006)

72 Smith,TF, Lee,JC, Gutell,RR, Hartman,H. The Origin and Evolution of the Ribosome. Biol Direct. 3: 3-16 (2008)

73 Hartman,H Smith,TF. The evolution of the cilium and the eukaryotic cell.
Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 66:215-219 (2009).

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